Let’s face the facts – Internet use continues to grow. People who care deeply about your cause and can support your organization with their funds, time and connections are out there. When they search for you, what do you they find? Do you have the ability to identify new donors, and cultivate relationships within your online community? You have a tremendous opportunity to reach a global audience – and you have to do it right to really succeed and get the maximum return on your investment.
What we do is help you find new relationships and connect them on the web, which creates a solid foundation for building your online constituent base. We’ll work with you to develop a custom online strategy that fits with your budget, resources and goals. We take you step-by-step through the action steps and decisions you’ll need to make through the transition and growth of your online presence. We’ll use proven methods - and we’ll bring our creative energy to seeking new communication channels that fit your cause, and establishing and growing your online community.
Many non-profits have experienced a great deal of success using web-based fundraising technology. We can help you harness the power of the Internet, expanding your reach to a whole new audience.
Non-Profit Technology Needs Assessment
Where is your organization in terms of online technology? Where are you going as an organization? How will you get there?
In our Needs Assessment, we ask the right questions to uncover the essence of your organization now, as well as your future goals. We help you define a phased approach, starting with a project that fits your strategic goals and your budget and timeline requirements. The resulting assessment and project brief are valuable tools that will allow you to move forward quickly and efficiently.
You may decide you have the resources to move ahead internally, but if not, you will need to find a vendor to help you meet your goals. Choosing a vendor is an incredibly important decision – you need a team you can rely on, who will be fair, professional and (yes!) even fun. We have worked with the leading online fundraising and community-building technology vendors, who provide website design, content management system and ongoing maintenance, as well as data transfer, integration, manipulation and management. We can help you draft a detailed RFP and manage the RFP response process, set up vendor demos and assist you in the ultimate selection. Once you’ve made your selection, we can also help manage the vendor ongoing and ensure that your milestones are met and your goals are achieved.
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Online Strategy, Planning and Evaluation
Online fundraising is not done in a bubble. Donors may come to you a number of ways, but chances are they are also checking you out online, and you want that experience to be ideal. To be successful, the online approach has to integrate with and support your offline activities as well. Aligning your web strategy with your organization’s strategic plan is crucial.
Our approach to planning is results-oriented. We take a holistic view of both your constituents’ experience interacting with you (online and offline), as well as your experience maintaining your online presence. You shouldn’t work harder than you need to for great results! We look for ways to streamline your efforts through process improvement. Sure, this will mean some changes for your staff – and it’s our job to include appropriate change management steps, such as on-boarding and training, as part of the overall planning.
Once changes are in place, we can make sure they’re working. Through evaluation we gather quantitative and qualitative data, analyze and determine the appropriate next steps. Technology and the Internet are always changing, and working with Noble Services, you can be confident that you’re staying in step with your donors and advocates.
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Comprehensive Online Fundraising
Now we get to where the rubber meets the road – how do you increase your revenue through online channels? Sure, you need to have the basics. But it’s not enough to build a website. You may build it, but they may not come. How do you use powerful Internet technologies to expand your reach and meet your goals?
Our approach is to gain an understanding of your audience and develop creative ways to connect with them online, as well as connect them to each other in an online community. If you need to reach a bigger audience, we can help with list generation as well. Then, our focus is on making it as easy as possible for the donor to support your cause. This means ensuring the entire experience, starting from the first contact and at every point after, reflects back on the values and identity at the heart of your organization. By making these connections, you can build relationships that can be fruitful for years to come.
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Special Events Fundraising
We’ll let you in on a secret. Successful fundraisers know that the best way to support their causes is not by finding donors online, but by finding other fundraisers. People who support your organization often want to do more than send a donation. They can mobilize their family and friends to support you as well.
We can help you organize a special event and implement the online fundraising technology to support it. We have experience setting up virtual events and “a-thons” that connect people across the country, and our clients have garnered excellent results from these events.
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Social Networking & Viral Marketing
Two of the primary activities that people engage in online are connecting with family and friends, and – let’s face it – having some fun. The rise of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, along with entertainment sites like YouTube is proof of this. In order to reach new audiences, and nurture those new relationships, you need to be where they are, and speak their language.
By taking cues from advertising and marketing, we develop communication programs that are engaging, persuasive and really speak to your donors and advocates. We maximize the delivery of these messages through online channels. The web gives you a new platform for others to hear your voice, and we care about crafting your message in a way that gets people to listen – and pass it on to their friends.